
Starting an Estate Agents Business

The Estate Agent business is basically about helping other people buy & sell their properties. But even in this field you do get a lot specialization. Some estate agents focus purely on commercial properties, other on the lower end of the residential market whilst a few focus purely on the expensive luxury end.

Generally speaking what you choose to specialise in is often dictated by who / what you know and the location you have chosen for your estate agents business.

This business is all about communication. How you interact between the seller and purchaser can make or break a deal. You will also need the ability to do large mental calculations and think quickly on your feet.

The seller's requirements are that the property is marketed quickly and the best price is achieved with the minimum of hassle. For this service, clients will pay the estate agent a commission around 0.5% to 1.5% of the sales price achieved. This percentage is often dictated by the competitive forces in your area.

You will be required to have intimate knowledge of your local market place so that you can give your clients a ball park figure that is likely to be achieved for their property. Depending on market conditions you can then advice your customer whether they should market the property at "offers over" or at a "fixed price."

The buyers on the other hand want the estate Sourcing Agent China to help them find the ideal property for their requirements at the lowest possible price. Often they will not have the time to scour the market place and this is where a really good estate agent can score really well, by sourcing the ideal property quickly, arranging viewing times and helping in negotiations once the right property has been found.

There are also additional services that can be offered like conveyancing, insurance & finance. Some of the best estate agents offer a complete one stop service and can handle everything from putting the property on the market, to finding a suitable buyer, arranging a survey report and helping the buyer secure funding to buy the property.

If you get frustrated easily then this is definitely not the business for you. All sorts of problems can occur that make life difficult for an estate agent. The seller might take the property of the market at the last minute even though you have met all their requirements. The buyer might not be able to raise funding even after all the paperwork has been completed. Sometimes the sellers and buyers can only complete the sale after their respective properties have been sold!

Hours can be long and arduous as in many cases viewing can only be done in the evenings and weekends. Most people that are in the market for buying or selling a property are usually either in paid employment or running their own business. They will often need to be met out with normal working hours to secure a deal.

There are several estate agent franchise models available. When buying an estate agent franchise it is important that you choose a well known brand that has already achieved public recognition. Check out their property portal and make sure that it is easy to use. Make sure that you have an exclusive territory in which to operate your business and speak to existing franchisees to see how profitable the business model really is.

The property market can be highly unpredictable. Within 6 months conditions can change dramatically from being a buyers market to a sellers market. Seasonal fluctuations also serve to confuse the issue. The worst time to start marketing a property is before Christmas and in the beginning of the New Year.

People will always need a property to live in and this business can be highly lucrative for the right person with good people skills and the ability to work hard. When market conditions are right, an astute person can make decent money in this business.Buying Agent China


Global Sourcing and Supply Management

Over the past several years there have been three major developments in the evolution of global sourcing. These are that more companies are pursuing a global supply base along with increasing the number of countries viewed as a sourcing base and an increase in the quantity and variety of available products.Sourcing Consultant China

Some of the factors that are leading companies to look at alternate supply sources (Globalization) include the education level of workers available in other countries, the size of the domestic and import markets and market liberalization.

This market liberalization, led by China's admission into the World Trade Organization has assured commitments to reduce high tariffs. There is also an abundance of low-wage labour available. China's average hourly manufacturing wage is 60 cents an hour with an able work force of 941 million.

Companies looking at these alternate supply sources are then faced with several challenges in global sourcing among them is the requirement to identify and establish new supplier relationships.

Some of these new supply sources will have less advanced Information technology systems and an inability to share information easily.

For those companies embarking on alternate supply sources they must perform more research and due diligence on those overseas suppliers and must also look at incorporating local business culture into their negotiation strategy.china sourcing company

There are many different approaches to global sourcing such as establishing an international Supply Management Office, the setting up of local joint ventures where they work with an in-country enterprise to establish a presence. Some companies will look at finding a Trading Agent to act as a sourcing broker.

Today, search firms especially those with a Strategic Procurement and Supply Chain focus are familiar with companies that utilize these approaches and can provide those well qualified candidates no matter which approach a company has in place.

Importing From China: Getting Started Sourcing Products

In this article I'll give some suggestions on the first actions to take to get started importing from China and finding products.

It can seem daunting at first how to begin finding manufacturers to deliver the products you need for your business. I recommend browsing online sourcing websites where manufacturers list their available products as well as visiting trade shows to begin seeing the product selection available and meet sellers.
Sourcing Agent China

The most well-known site for importing products from China is Alibaba.com. This site is a large directory where manufacturers feature their products. A virtual trade show if you will. Alibaba is an incredible resource to browse and see the selection and type of products available. You can get a general idea of what is available and general pricing information. Many factories list their MOQs (minimum order quantity) as well.

Another feature of Alibaba is that you can immediately chat and contact the sellers. An important first distinction is to find out whether the company is the manufacturer of the product or a trade company representing a variety of products. The easiest way to find this out is to just ask when you contact them. Ideally you want to deal with the factory directly for cost and operations efficiency.

Although it is possible to import your products and do all your business online. I highly recommend taking further due diligence if you are interested in a long-term sustainable relationship with your supplier. This can be done by taking the trip to China to visit the factories of the suppliers you have contacted to see that everything is in order. Another good option is to get an experienced sourcing agent on your side to represent your best interests on the ground in China.Purchasing Consultant China

Another excellent way to see the many products available is to go to a trade show. This allows you to walk the floor and see up close all the products in different industries and immediately talk business with the sellers. Often you can make contact with the companies then later do a factory visit after the show is over. The biggest trade show in mainland China is the Canton Fair which takes place twice a year in the fall and the spring. Another large trade show is the Hong Kong Mega Show which I haven't attended yet but have heard good things.

I hope these few ideas are helpful in getting started and taking action towards finding and importing products from China.


Choosing a Product Sourcing Company

Product sourcing is a part of company working that carries the utmost importance. Through

finding a product Sourcing Company China you could be saving costs and time, and time is money.

It is important that you know what to look for in making this crucial decision or you may

end up spending useful funds where you could be cutting costs and saving money. Finding

Suppliers that are going to give you the biggest bang for your buck is as simple as

knowing what you're doing. For newcomers, it's extremely important that in your quest to

finding product sourcing companies you do a great deal of research and don't let your

guard down. Some of the product sourcing companies available to you are good with their

words and can be quite convincing but spending your money on a company who is using

outdated sources and spending their money on making a sale is not wise spending and can

lead in overall failure.

A lot of companies spend a ton of money on their sales pitch and advertising and not

enough on their resources, so avoid Suppliers that sound "too good to be true" because

most often, they are just that. Don't allow yourself to be fooled into spending money

just because it sounds good, when browsing product sourcing companies make sure you ask

for proof and come up with the best possible solutions to problems and concerns that you

yourself have. Avoiding the drop shipping and wholesale scams is a big part of it as

well. A lot of product china sourcing company offer drop shipping and wholesales with a

pretty ribbon around it, again don't let yourself be fooled this is where all of the

scams are.

Lastly, finding reputable supply chains is of extreme importance; if your company is new

to the industry, chances are they don't know where the biggest savings are which ends up

costing you money. Make sure the product sourcing companies you're working with know

their way around the block and have at least three years experience under their belt,

from there just make sure the company data isn't out of date. Checking websites for

updates is important as well, but since you can't always see when the content was

updates, looking at the bottom of the website for a copyright date can help you determine

how often they check up on themselves.


Sourcing Agent - Important Information You Must Remember

For any business who wants to have a global reach and appeal without causing too much financial

burdens, a sourcing agent is an important part of the business operations. For the garment industry,

the Sourcing Agent China is the lifeline of the business to

get the best quality clothing for the soundest price. Bangladesh, being one of the mega-industries

for garments has the best sourcing agents. The best sourcing agents in Bangladesh have these

important qualities:

1. They are capable of making market research for the buyers.

2. They create a supplier selection.

3. They do the negotiations between the suppliers and the buyers.

4. They implement quality assurance.

5. They do pre-shipment inspections to ensure that the quality is consistent and the mode of shipment

is safe.

6. They do the necessary paperwork like clearances.

As you can see, the need for the best agent in Bangladesh is really essential for the smooth flowing

of business operations and also to ensure that the quality of garments and fabrics are of the highest

level. Getting the best souring service in Bangladesh is therefore a great move to improve a business

as well as continuously supporting the great quality and professional work standards of Bangladesh

which is considered as one of the biggest players in the garment industry.

The work of the best sourcing service in Bangladesh is always not over and their dedication in

bringing businesses the right things before the deadline with precision and quality is something very

commendable. Any businesses who are dealing as well as transacting with the best Buying Agent China in Bangladesh are certainly at the best

hands for their operations.


Sourcing Agents - How Do They Increase the Profitability of an International Business?

In today's international business market, where competition is so fierce, the importance of choosing the best off shore or on shore Buying Company China has occupied the front seat. Owing to the expertise of different countries in different fields such as manufacturing, product building, etc., it has become increasingly difficult to keep up with their pace.

Many business firms irrespective of their sizes are constantly checking and giving utmost importance to the questions like, "Are we getting the best price quotes for the source we are using? Are the sourcing materials and products bought from the best possible source?"

In order to avoid all these potential complications and have a clear picture of the source, most of the International businesses are using the expertise of sourcing agents both at national and international level. Following information throws some light on the importance of role of sourcing agents and how they can help your business develop at both national and international level.

Sourcing Agent

A good sourcing agent must be capable of reducing at least 20% of the overhead on the purchase department. This includes both the hidden costs as well as the standard costs.

Standard Costs: Some of the standard costs that a sourcing agent should be capable of reducing include and are not limited to the cargo, shipping insurance, customs fee, import tax, dock fee, etc.

Hidden Costs: A good Sourcing Agent China should also be able to minimize some of the hidden costs such as contract fees when hiring new supplier, costs of visiting the supplier, fees incurred due to delay in shipping, custom fees accrued due to inappropriate documentation or due to some missing docs, anti-dumping fees, delays at the shipping terminal due to congestion etc.

International Sourcing Agents

Good international agents make international process of sourcing as easy as a domestic one. These global sourcing companies often offer services such as taking care of the entire offshore manufacturing process along with purchases. International business transactions are made easy with global sourcing companies as they are well versed with all such processes.

IB's often do not hesitate to pay a ten to twenty percent extra on top of the agreed price to these agents, because of the following benefits:

International Sourcing Agents Often Represent the Supplier

Provide an immediate access to the best suppliers and trustworthy companies that offer the most relevant expertise in minimum time frames.

Some of the global sourcing companies also offer engineering services and lend a hand in the development of new products.

Keep an eye on the price quotes from various all over the world if found necessary.

International agents apart from managing the international communications also handle the translations and arrange site visits at appropriate times.

Sometimes, they can also turn out to be buying agents or project managers for projects that require multiple overseas suppliers.

The above mentioned are only a few of the benefits that an International Business can enjoy by hiring a good agent. Hence, it might be a good idea for you to try out one of these International or domestic agents on you next project and reap the benefits that come your way.


Global Sourcing and Manufacturing

The growing sophistication of Asian based sourcing and manufacturing is a triumph of logistics that

would make an army general green with envy. Not only do all the materials required for a typical

production line have to come together correctly, they have to come together at a precise moment in

time. This is business in today's international era, and it demands constant upgrading of process,

materials, and workforce.china sourcing company

It's no longer the norm to apply borders in today's business setting. For an example, a typical

western company will engage with a China based subcontractor to manufacture their products. The

materials are most likely imported from 3-5 Asian based countries, the design and marketing come

from the US or EMEA, and the products are produced by mainland Chinese, in a factory which is likely

owned and managed by a Taiwanese company.

In the coming months and years, Asia's competitiveness will depend more on factors outside the

factory gates. As the traditional advantage in low-cost labor begins to erode, most Asian nations

will soon realize that if they want to continue to remain competitive, they will need much more than

lower wages. A true global supply chain with major infrastructure initiatives and improvements will

transform the way each Asian nation is interconnected with the global business community.

Companies all over the globe are realizing that a rising middle class across countries such as,

China, India and Brazil are target areas, and are rushing to grab a share of these vast markets.

Leading this phenomenal change is China. It has reached a feverish pace during the last few years,

and China is now taking a leadership position in the world. They have the fastest growing economy,

millions are moving out of poverty each year and China's middle class is on track to reach 700

million by 2020. This country's huge population and ever-rising GDP are forming a massive group of

new consumers. The potential of this emerging market is very attractive to global brands that are

looking at selling their products in China. In addition, the Chinese government is committed to

moving the economy away from an export driven model, which is dependent upon global markets to

support its sales, to a more domestic consumer driven market. Once again, this is good news for

manufacturers and service providers that are determined to sell to the


Sourcing Agent: Essential Facts You Should Know

One of the most convenient methods of running a business efficiently is the use of a sourcing agent. In fact, there are many companies all over the world that rely on this type of agent. This is because hiring them can provide a lot of advantages to you and your business. Now, continue reading for more information.

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Sourcing Agent

One of the best advantages of hiring this type of agent is the fact that it can lower the company's expenses since the products are bought from low cost nations, including China, India, and Vietnam. An agent takes different roles and responsibilities. He or she must visit the factory in order to make sure that your company is getting the best possible quality, terms, and price. A reliable agent must be able to negotiate with the factory to get the best terms and price. He or she must be able to handle any details that might occur at the factory. A good sourcing agent is someone who knows the importance of project management. Also, it is his or her responsibility to visit and check the facilities at the factory and ensure they have the required certification to operate.

Finding a Reliable Sourcing Agent China

If you are looking for an agent to do the job for you, keep in mind that a good sourcing agent is someone who has the abilities and knowledge to help your company save money. Your agent must be reliable enough to offer helpful methods on how to outsource various products and services at the lowest prices without compromising their quality. Indeed, this particular type of agent has an important role in your business. In this connection, you should be careful when it comes to finding the best agent.

1. In finding the best agent for your company or business, one of the most important things you should keep in mind is to opt for the one who has a deep understanding and knowledge about the particular location or country where you are planning to put up your business. It is best to choose an agent who has a profound knowledge about your industry.

2. An agent needs to do outsourcing roles and responsibilities on behalf of the company owner that is why it is very important to hire an agent who has an outstanding skills and knowledge to bid from different factories. It is also a must that he or she maintains good ethical practices and efficient work.

3. Once you have found an agent who will work for you, it is always wise and practical to let him or her sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to protect your business. This is to ensure that your agent will keep any confidential information about your company while working for you. Another thing you can do is to search online. Nowadays, you can find various sourcing agent companies that offer their services online.

It is indeed true that the knowledge and skills of a sourcing agent can help your business reach its maximum potential. Just make sure to opt for the best agent so that you can be at ease that you are in good hands.china sourcing company


Identifying the Right Sourcing Agents

Globalization has led to different parts of the world becoming easily accessible to everybody and one such outcome is that of outsourcing of the different processes involved in production to different nations across the world.

Need to Have Sourcing Agent China

The task of finding a good factory or organization to outsource the task to become necessary as the cost of setting up offices in different countries might is high and this is when the sourcing agents placed across various developing nations (countries to where production is generally outsourced) come into picture.

These agents take up the task of finding an apt place for your business needs and commence production at cost effective prices by means of their services available across these nations.

Find the Right Agent

A professional sourcing agent would have wide network of operations and would possess thorough knowledge about the industry, product, operations in various countries, etc., and the ideal place to meet these people are in industry specific trade fairs. It might also help in seeking the advice of industry peer who might be availing the services of sourcing agents abroad. As it is mostly the Asian countries, which the outsourcing is done to, it would be ideal to visit industrial fairs of products manufactured in these countries.


An agent who is a pioneer in the business would be able to tap multiple sources and bring in numerous quotations from various organizations across the nations to choose from and thereby offer excellent quality of services. However, one needs to be careful not to blindly trust the sourcing agents as they might be referring a particular organization with which they might possibly have tie-ups and work for their personal benefits.

Services Offered

It is necessary to negotiate prior to a deal with the agent about the various services that would be offered by the agent, as a few agencies tend to offer services related to marketing research, logistics, shipping, etc., as well. This apart it is also necessary to finalize on the terms and conditions of the work agreement with the agency to avoid confusion at a later stage.

Be Ethical

A few nations, the process of production is done using under aged labors and other illegal practices. Therefore, it is necessary to make clear the ethical aspects of your business operations. As it might not be possible for the person outsourcing to visit the factory personally in all cases, in such instances the assistance of the sourcing agents that involve in ethical business practices and possess a good reputation for the samechina sourcing company.

A reliable agent is easy to find, as his reputation for his work might be well-known in the industry. The current technological advancement has also ensured that the inquiries about the agent living in the other part of the globe, from the comfort of one's office with the help of the internet; one can also decide on the price to be paid for such services with the suggestions of people who have been involved in this business earlier.


Finding the Best Sourcing Agent

More and more companies all over the world choose to hire a Sourcing Company China due to various advantages. This method is a more convenient way of improving a business because it can help companies to save money. To know more about sourcing agents, read on.
What Is a Sourcing Agent?
It is a particular type of agent who serves as a regional representative who does outsourcing responsibilities and roles on behalf of the business owner. Basically, these agents are employed by companies to buy products and components from low cost countries like Vietnam, India, or China. This is done to cut down the company's expenses and improve the business. With the right knowledge and skills, an agent is able to negotiate good prices, inspect different factories to check for ethical practices and quality, find factories which have ample equipment that can match the needs of your business, and determine which suppliers are able to meet deadlines as well as offer reliable services.
Important Facts You Should Know
A good sourcing agent is someone who can help your business save money. He or she should be able to offer effective ways on how to outsource different products at low prices yet with great quality. This particular type of agent plays a vital role in your business. Most importantly, the agent is someone who can do sourcing business despite of the difference in language and culture.
How to Find the Best Purchasing Agent China?
If you are looking for a reliable agent to do the job for you, there are important things which you need to consider. One of the most essential things to remember before hiring a sourcing agent is to find someone who has a profound understanding of the country or location in which you plan to do business. Your agent must be well-versed about your industry. Perhaps, you may ask a colleague if he or she can recommend a particular agent to you.
Another thing which you need to consider is to find a reliable agent who has the knowledge and skills to bid from various factories for you. Keep in mind that he or she does not have financial ties to any specific factories. In addition, you also need to choose an agent who can maintain ethical practices. It is very vital to choose someone who always makes it a point to do business with utmost efficiency.
It is also wise and practical to let your agent sign a non-disclosure agreement before giving him or her any confidential information about your latest product or service. Once the agent has signed the agreement, you should provide him or her, the needed information such as measurements, specifications, drawings, and other important information. You may search online and look for a reliable agent who is capable of doing responsibilities and roles with professionalism. To make it easier and more convenient for you, you can search for a professional sourcing agent company online to be able to find the most reliable choice. In most cases, these companies provide different types of services such as customs clearance, shipping and logistics, quality control, quality assurance, price negotiation, supplier or vendor selection, market research, raw materials pre-positioning, etc.


Beginner’s Guide to Sourcing Products from China

Many businesses in the US in particular and in the world at large are sourcing products from China. Today, there is no product that cannot be sourced or manufactured in China. If you want to join the host of other businesses sourcing products from China, there are certain things that you should know. It is not advisable that you just jump into china sourcing agent without knowing the basis. Below are some guidelines that you should follow.

Determine if sourcing products from China is best for you

Indeed, sourcing products from china is highly cost effective. You can get quality products at affordable prices. However, this should not make you to jump into it without first determining whether it is the best option for you. There is no doubt that it may be the best option for you but you have to ask yourself some question to determine if it is your best option. Find out what it will take to manufacture the same products locally and sourcing them from China. You should ask yourself whether you can handle more inventories and give up some control in order to get what you want.

What is your model for sourcing products from china sourcing company?

If you have made up your mind to source products from China, you should first of all determine your sourcing model. There are several ways through which you can source products from China. You can source directly from the manufacturers or deal with a sourcing company china. If you have not been to China before or you do not know any manufacturer, it is better that you hire the services of a sourcing china agent to help you look for a better manufacturer.

Complete product development at home before sourcing products from China

If you have chosen your sourcing model, the next thing that you have to do is completing your product development, engineering drawings or CAD. This will enable the company to give you quote. Manufacturers will require a complete CAD and product development in order to give quote.

Sourcing products from China in the best company

One of the most difficult aspects of sourcing products from China is finding the best manufacturer especially for those that have not been to China before. Use the internet to look up for companies that deal on your products. You can also ask friends who have been sourcing from china to recommend the best companies for you. However, in order to save time and also to avoid falling into the hands of fraudsters, you can hire a sourcing China agent to help you in that regard.

If you can follow the above guideline, you will not have any problem when you are sourcing products from China. - See more at: http://www.ningconsult.com/beginners-guide-to-sourcing-products-from-china/#sthash.Io4na9ZV.dpuf


Sourcing in China, Low Cost Country Sourcing

China is currently in the midst of huge growth. This growth represents a great opportunity to foreign companies trying to partake in cost optimization for their products/components. Of course with this great opportunity there is risk. The ultimate goal is to manage the risk while taking advantage of the cost down sourcing.Purchasing Company China


There is no better way to manage your procurement risk in China than to allow NingConsult to act as your sourcing agent in China. We can manage your procurement risk so that you can establish and maintain long term procurement options that meet your needs.

NingConsult and our overseas partner did a survey in 2010 which included 89 western companies and found that a whopping 91% of the companies (all considered very successful by all standards) had already been sourcing their product from LCC (low cost countries). A full one third of those polled had been outsourcing for 5 or more years.

82% of the companies polled specifically named China as the low cost country that was where they procured their products from!Buying Consultant China

How We Help You Reach Cost Optimization!

At NingConsult all of our work is based on analytical knowledge of the China market. We do not just go out blindly and make suggestions we perform several analysis to insure that you get the best possible scenario.

Here is our methodology that has been tried and true:

Demand Analysis
Supply Analysis
Quotation Gathering and Analysis
Supplier Selection
Supplier Audit
Contract Implementation/Price Negotiations
Project Handover
Each one of the above listed steps are imperative in a successful procurement arrangement in any low cost country but especially so in China. Thanks to the great economic growth there are plenty of suppliers here in China to choose from, but you need to be sure that the vendor you choose can meet your demands.

We are a research based sourcing agent because through constant and consistent research you can reach your business goals faster and easier!

Often times without the help of a consulting company in China that is well versed in the local market and that can easily collect the data for analysis your experience can be very likely disappointing. Cost down sourcing can only be successful after the right analysis has taken place.

As young professionals we pay attention not only to the China procurement industry but to the entire global market. We keep abreast of the trends worldwide, so you can depend on NingConsult to be on top of things.

Minimizing your risk naturally optimizes cost. NingConsult can help you take advantage of all the cost down sourcing opportunities in China while keeping your risks way down! Let NingConsult help you to achieve the success that is waiting for you in China.

Guideline for Sourcing in China

Many countries and businesses today are sourcing in china. However, there are few guidelines that you should follow if you are looking for sourcing services in China.

Get a suitable and reliable supplier

There is the tendency for some people to choose a supplier based on the sample given to them by the supplier. Though, it is nice to get a sample from a prospective supplier, but it is not advisable for you to base your assessment of a company solely on that. This is because there is the possibility for the person that provides the sample to be an intermediary. You should therefore go the extra mile of running a background check on the China sourcing businesses that you want to deal with. It will not cost you much to get a business credit report of sourcing companies in china. The internet would have been the best option but experience has shown that some Chinese sourcing suppliers give money to be listed on the online directories.

Check the company of the China sourcing supplier that you want to hire their services. Take a look at their products and the process they are using internally. If it is not possible for you to visit the business that you will be sourcing from, you can order for capacity audit. This service can be provided by any third-party inspection business.

Get reference from your country

Besides reading the reviews of the customers of the outsourcing firm, you should go the extra mile of getting customer references from your country. Contact these clients and other people sourcing in China in your country in order to find out their own evaluation of the supplier. You should be polite and friendly in your approach to these people. Do not be annoyed if any of them does not give you the attention that you want. Some might not even tell you the truth.

Ask relevant questions

It is important that you ask the supplier relevant questions such as question concerning lab test reports, relevant certificates, experience and others. You should also ensure that the business is aware of the standard you want.

Consider the size of your order

If you are sourcing from china, you should bear in mind that sourcing companies differ in size. Large businesses normally are good for people placing large order. If your order is small and you choose such companies, you will end up spending huge amount of money. So, check the minimum order the companies accept and choose a company that suits your order.

Sourcing Consultant China will be a nice experience for you if you can apply these tips.


What You Should Know about Sourcing Agent China

The number of businesses that are sourcing products from China is increasing on daily basis. This is largely due to the fact that they get quality products from China at rate lower than what they will get from their respective countries. The major factor that contributes to low cost of products in China is affordability of labor. The cost of labor which is one of the key factors in production is low in China. Owing to this, Chinese manufacturers are able to deliver quality products at a lower price.

Most businesses across the globe that outsource from China hire the services of sourcing agents in China. Hiring an agent is very helpful most especially to businesses that do not have any base or outlet in China. Since they are not able to speak Chinese and they do not know the Chinese market very well, it is better for them to rely on the services of procurement China agents. If you are outsourcing in China, you should consider hiring the services of a sourcing agent. There are a number of benefits you will gain from it. However, before you hire one, it is pertinent that you know about these agents. Knowing more about them and their activities will help you to hire a reliable one.

What sourcing agent china Does

A good sourcing agent China normally dedicates his time to the service of the businesses that hire them. He knows his duties and ensures that they are perfectly carried out. Sourcing agents are quite aware that they are also into business and the way the treat a client will determine whether they will get more business from the person. Secondly, if they serve a business very well, they are likely to get referral from the business. This is why they do their best in rendering quality services.

Sourcing agents China have good command of Chinese. They are able to negotiate with their suppliers and manufacturers because they can speak the language very well. If they are good in speaking and writing Chinese, it will be very difficult for them to negotiate with manufacturers because some manufacturers and suppliers in China do not speak any other language except Chinese.

Another thing that you should know about sourcing agents in China is that they are at home with the hook and cranny of different localities and states in China. So, finding manufacturer dealing on any product is no herculean task for them. They can easily locate any company in China especially within the states where they operate.

In summary, Chinese sourcing agents can be very helpful to people sourcing products from China. However, some of them have dealings with suppliers or work for suppliers and this makes it difficult to find a reliable Sourcing Agent China.

- See more at:Sourcing Agent China


Advantages of Sourcing in China

Sourcing in china is no doubt a challenging task but the services to get your project completed is worth it. According to the business gurus and experts, sourcing in china is the best option these days to get the projects completed and your work done the best possible way at the best possible price.

The biggest advantage of China sourcing is that you get a wide range of services that can be purchased individually so that you don’t get into the hassle of long-term arrangements, paying extra and ending up with non-payment or incomplete work schedules.

Why Opt For Sourcing In China

Opting for sourcing in china is one of the best decisions you could make for your business. china sourcing companies consist of highly trained and professional individuals who are working diligently to provide you the best solutions.

Sourcing in China is best if you have a project that needs support you and want to complete it with proven and professional structure. Sourcing is best when you don’t want to get into the hassle of hiring and firing, buying equipment and stuff and overseeing the management for any reason. You get the services when and how you need them on your terms at the most reasonable price.

Some of the most popular china sourcing services includes locating a suitable location for your project, finding out what it costs to manufacture your product in China, negotiating your target price with the workers, placing orders and delivering the goods to your doorstep as you need them.

Connecting with manufactures and suppliers, taking into account your specific business needs to find the right solutions for your business is the main aim of Chinese sourcing companies. For China sourcing, it is extremely important to have an onsite team who looks after your interests to successfully implement the business plan and ensure that things are working round the clock the way you want them.

About 80% of all the goods available in the market today are made in china. There is a very valid reason for it, the great work and the right prices being charged by Chinese sourcing companies. Along with it the China quality control ensures that you get the best value for your money. All these factors and advantages combined together make sourcing from china the best option when it comes to looking for great business solutions.


Sourcing in China - Technical Capabilities

China is not currently a viable option for highly specialized manufacturing produced on custom equipment, such as application-specific copper-wrapped coils and high-speed connector assembly. These types of processes often require specific technical knowledge of product engineering or equipment design that is not generally available among suppliers in new procurement markets such as China. By contrast, "commoditized" processes such as stamping, casting, and manual electronics assembly can be handled by almost all suppliers.

Key considerations

Sourcing Company China subcomponents in China and maintaining technology-intensive activities in more highly skilled domestic factories, in many cases, yields a better total cost return than procuring the total product. Technology driven processes often need significant oversight to maintain process control. That frequently can be achieved only in sophisticated plants in developed countries. When factory processes get out of skew in China, yields decrease and the resulting scrap (as well as logistics costs) can quickly overshadow savings generated by lower wage rates.

Although products made with the least complicated, most mature technologies are the best choices to source from China, the nation's suppliers continue to develop increasingly sophisticated skills. As a result, more companies are sourcing process-sensitive products, such as rubber and machined parts, from China --a good decision when other critical procurement dimensions, such as lead time, engineering changes, and labor and transportation costs, favor China.

By analyzing these five critical dimensions for each unique procurement initiative, companies can better understand their geographic sourcing options--which products are candidates to be sourced from low-cost countries and which need to be purchased from more developed markets. If a low-cost country is appropriate, assessment of lead times can help establish which commodities can be sourced from remote low-cost countries (such as China or India) and which need to be purchased more locally from Mexico or Eastern Europe. Execution of this assessment requires going beyond typical procurement piece-price analysis. It requires the involvement of engineering and manufacturing units to define the total supply chain requirements of purchased products. Even with all of the factors that must be taken into account, China remains one of the most desirable sourcing opportunities. Its wage advantages are not likely to be eliminated anytime soon, and its skills as a supplier and manufacturer will only grow stronger. But as with any other procurement effort, obvious costs, such as labor, are not the only factors to take into account.


Sourcing In China - Change Management Must Be Part Of The Initiative

More and more Western company leaders decide to start sourcing goods from China and take advantage of its low production costs. But we see many of these China sourcing initiatives without a strong Change Management part: They usually underestimate the time and efforts needed to explain, train, demonstrate and convince employees to shift to Chinese suppliers.

The change is drastic indeed: Purchasing, Quality, Engineering, Logistics, Design departments organized their work around the relations with their "traditional" suppliers. The shift from "local sourcing" with this traditional supply base to "far sourcing" with new suppliers in China will dramatically affect the way they work:

Firstly, the Design Department must integrate new technical and economical constraints in the design of the next generation of products. The 3 major principles are:

-1 Parts with high added value and sub-assemblies are the ones bringing the best cost advantages when sourced in China.

-2 Production processes in China are different: Automatic production is replaced by a number of manual steps. It reduces capital investment and cost, increases production flexibility but tolerances are not as good as for an automated process.

-3 Parts with critical Intellectual Property shall be kept outside China.

Secondly, the Engineering Department used to rely on their traditional suppliers' superior engineering capabilities, expertise and capacity to innovate. Switching to a supplier which expertise is not as good means:

1- More work: New technical validations and support to the new Chinese suppliers

2- Due diligence: Thorough checks of all safety standards

Thirdly, in the Logistics Department, employees will have to start setting-up new flows coming from China and adapt to a new set of principles. Long transport time by containers may be a new constraint. Factory logistics teams deal with hundreds of issues a day, and new constraints are never welcome. For example, daily deliveries in returnable boxes are not an option when the producing factory is 10,000 kilometers away. The delivery cycle is obviously too long and the investment in boxes would be too large. But if this is the preferred delivery method, the Logistics Department will have to change its habits and adapt to new objectives.

Also, the Quality Department must re-examine its approach of supplier's quality:

The Quality of the purchased parts used to be sub-contracted to the suppliers: Quality objectives are included in the purchasing contracts and defective parts are sent back to where they come from. The buyers have nothing to do with the quality management of their suppliers. This approach does not work with far sourcing. Waiting for the parts to be delivered to check their quality would be too risky and costly. It takes time and resources, but buyers have no choice but to retake control of the quality management.

"You get what you inspect, not what you expect".

As an example, Shanghai General Motors has developed an army of Advanced Supplier Quality (ASQs) engineers, traveling 4 days a week to their suppliers' factories. Their role is to directly and constantly manage quality improvement plans.

However, for a Western company without a dedicated organization established locally, managing supplier's Quality on a regular basis can become problematic: Many of our customers come to us initially to solve Quality problems. Outsourced in-factory quality control and pre-delivery inspections is a common solution.

Finally, directly on the battle front, in the Purchasing Department, the buyers must also adapt their negotiation style and attitude. One cannot go aggressive on price reduction targets to Chinese suppliers without giving anything in return. It is not only because of the Chinese business culture (you have to become good friends before signing a deal). If the outcome of the negotiation is not a win-win deal, the Chinese supplier might start finding ways to cut his production costs and regain his margin: Swap raw material to cheaper ones or sub-contract to another company. An unprofitable deal for the supplier usually damages the quality of the parts.

If confrontation seldom works, a supportive attitude towards a Chinese supplier generally pays off. Give practical advices, deliver simple trainings, and show your support where it is needed: Suppliers will keep a positive attitude and this will bring mutual benefits.

This is the founding concept of Supplier Development: A Supplier Development project usually starts when the owner of a Chinese company accepts the active support of his potential client over a period of time and engages his company in the implementation of all the best practices brought to him and his staff. In return, the buyer creates a tailor-made production facility for its parts, and a loyal supplier. After 6 months of weekly visits and workshops with the different departments, the Chinese factory dramatically improves and the production starts. This is certainly a large time and effort investment, but it pays off in sustainable cost advantage. Success stories such as BOSCH's or VALEO's tend to prove this is a good way to do Industrial china sourcing company


Finding the Best Sourcing Agent

More and more companies all over the world choose to hire a sourcing agent due to various advantages. This method is a more convenient way of improving a business because it can help companies to save money. To know more about sourcing agents, read on.

What Is a Sourcing Agent?

It is a particular type of agent who serves as a regional representative who does outsourcing responsibilities and roles on behalf of the business owner. Basically, these agents are employed by companies to buy products and components from low cost countries like Vietnam, India, or China. This is done to cut down the company's expenses and improve the business. With the right knowledge and skills, an agent is able to negotiate good prices, inspect different factories to check for ethical practices and quality, find factories which have ample equipment that can match the needs of your business, and determine which suppliers are able to meet deadlines as well as offer reliable services.

Important Facts You Should Know

A good Sourcing Agent China is someone who can help your business save money. He or she should be able to offer effective ways on how to outsource different products at low prices yet with great quality. This particular type of agent plays a vital role in your business. Most importantly, the agent is someone who can do sourcing business despite of the difference in language and culture.

How to Find the Best Sourcing Agent?

If you are looking for a reliable agent to do the job for you, there are important things which you need to consider. One of the most essential things to remember before hiring a sourcing agent is to find someone who has a profound understanding of the country or location in which you plan to do business. Your agent must be well-versed about your industry. Perhaps, you may ask a colleague if he or she can recommend a particular agent to you.

Another thing which you need to consider is to find a reliable agent who has the knowledge and skills to bid from various factories for you. Keep in mind that he or she does not have financial ties to any specific factories. In addition, you also need to choose an agent who can maintain ethical practices. It is very vital to choose someone who always makes it a point to do business with utmost efficiency.

It is also wise and practical to let your agent sign a non-disclosure agreement before giving him or her any confidential information about your latest product or service. Once the agent has signed the agreement, you should provide him or her, the needed information such as measurements, specifications, drawings, and other important information. You may search online and look for a reliable agent who is capable of doing responsibilities and roles with professionalism. To make it easier and more convenient for you, you can search for a professional sourcing agent company online to be able to find the most reliable choice. In most cases, these companies provide different types of services such as customs clearance, shipping and logistics, quality control, quality assurance, price negotiation, supplier or vendor selection, market research, raw materials pre-positioning, etc.


Minimizing China Sourcing Problems

Minimizing China Sourcing Problems

You can minimize your quality, technical and delivery problems with your Chinese suppliers by educating yourself on a better mode of supplier management of supplier culture, communications, workers, management and business styles. Most times I had to solve manufacturing problems, supplier-buyer technical disputes, or quality issues, which are created by US or European high flying VPs, technical or procurement executives, whom after a few trips to China, or working under the umbrella of a big multinational, claimed they know everything about China and then proceeded to create problems for their China suppliers and their own companies. Here is what they are doing wrong:

china sourcing company, like other fast moving emerging companies, have management people which switched jobs constantly and climbed the management ladder rapidly without time to gather management or working skills. Most are hired for good spoken English, but not talents by corporations setting up offices inside China.Most are hired in a hurry.

Local managers imagine themselves to a higher status when working for a foreign corporation like IBM or GE, and in their communication style with local suppliers. Thus creating antagonism from suppliers.

Imposition of Western style production management techniques, concepts and feedback onto China suppliers without full comprehension of how the supplier started off. It's akin to the US going to war with Iraq without a full understanding of the diversity of Iraqis and undercurrents of obstacles to change.

Simply said it's all about inexperience poor China outsourcing approach, bad supplier management build up and too much haste to hire people to work in or sent to China. I am seeing too many occasions when we have to support our customers' China Procurement Offices management and technical personnel in getting the right results from their Chinese suppliers. The Mattel problem can be a controlled problem if they had the right people to foresee the foreseeable problems from fast running suppliers in a fast growing country.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/862155


Video Greeting Cards for All Occasions

It is transcendence of human nature that we have come to an age where we can send video greeting cards to our friends and family during festivals and other occasions like birthday and marriage anniversary.
Standard greeting cards are those that are printed on high-quality paper and are rectangular in shape. Inside is a pre-printed message that suits the occasion. Sender of such a greeting card has an option to add a signature or handwritten message. Sender of such a card gets a matching envelope which is either decorated with glitter and ribbons or sender can decorate according to desire.
Then comes the age of photo cards. This is becoming quite popular among people for sending holiday greetings such as birthdays and marriage anniversaries,Christmas, New Year, Independence Day, etc. Either these cards are photo insert cards which have a hole cut in the center for a photo to slides in like a frame or printed photo cards where the photo is printed in the fine quality sheet with the message.
eGreeting cards have gained popularity in the recent past, with lots of web sites coming up with a wide range of flash based greeting cards and making it very simple for the user to select a card of their choice and occasion and then send it to the recipient on their email address. Web sites offer cards for all different occasions and different styles. Sender can add a personalized message to the card. These cards moved a step ahead and started coming with music. The moment the receiver opens a card, some music plays with the music. Birthday cards mostly have the traditional song- Happy Birthday day to you song.
In today's age we are able to download applications for phones where not only users can select nice looking templates but also add videos and messages and send them to their loved ones. These applications are the newest forms of sending special messages on special occasions. It is very simple to download video greeting card and costs only a meager amount. You can find some such application in the iTunes store and download them on your iPhone to send cards using iPhone. Once you have an application for sending video greeting cards then you don't have to search around web sites for a card. Just create a video with your family and friends and send a lovely personalized greeting card to your loved ones.


T-Shirt Screen Printing for Businesses

Custom printing is used to produce promotional T-shirts for new businesses, sweatshirts for colleges and universities, and team jerseys for children of all ages. When the project involves large quantities, the cheapest and most reliable printing method is called screen printing. It was invented nearly two thousand years ago in Ancient China.

The process is as simple as can be. A design is created and then attached to a mesh screen frame. Paint is applied to the design or stencil, which is then closed onto a blank garment. The design is essentially stamped onto the garment and left to dry. The process may be simple, but it is fast, affordable, and effective.

Screen printing is prized for its incredible versatility. The famous artist Andy Warhol used it to create his most notable works of arts, including his take on the Campbell's soup can. Screen printing remains the most popular method of custom printing for artists around the world. But when it comes to custom T-shirts New York, it does have its weaknesses.

The process of actually making or burning a stenciled design takes time and money. A trained expert can produce one fairly quickly, but the beginner may have a hard time. The good news is that once a design has been created a printer can produce as many custom T-shirts New York as he desires.

We need also mention that New York custom T-shirts are more expensive when the customer requests multiple colors. When the design is simple and monochromatic, an experienced printer can churn out hundreds of New York custom T-shirts each hour. But when there is more than one color, he will have to switch screens and stencils and apply different colors. Each custom garment will take much longer to complete.

And when it comes to full color custom T-shirts New York screen printing is not the right method. Applying a dozen different colors simply will not work with this age-old process. The paint will most likely smudge and the garments will take hours to dry. In short, it would be a monumental waste of time.

More intricate, colorful images and designs can only be produced with more contemporary custom printing china methods, like heat transfer and direct to garment printing. Both are more expensive than screen printing, but they produce a superior product. The best advice we can give you is to shop around a bit. Online custom printers in New York offer free price quotes to new customers. Shipping discounts for large order are also quite common.


Getting Quality Brochure Printing Services

Compared to other forms marketing materials, brochures are affordable and they have greater value as well. The fact the material can be moved to different locations is what gives it an edge. In essence, it can be passed from one individual to another. The following are factors that make brochure printing a smart choice.
• The materials used are affordable and as such, a smart choice for small businesses and startups. If you are operating within a limited budget, you can hire a printer from the comfort of your office and have the brochures competently created.
• The printing and development processes involved can be carried out during different types of resources and tools. This means that you can have them crafted online or from a local shop depending on what works best for you. Now more than ever, it is possible to access these services online.
If you are looking for quality brochure printing, the good news is that you can get it online with great ease. Through three steps, you can have your brochures project completed within no time.
• You should start by getting quotes on the services. This is important as it gives you an opportunity to compare the costs of the services and hence, make a well informed decision. The quote you get should have an estimate of the amount you should expect to spend by the time the project is completed.
• You can upload your artwork online. There are companies that give you the chance to upload your designs and this makes it easy to determine whether the file format you have used is the right one. By ensuring you use the right format, you don't have to exert too much effort with the rest of the process. Once you are convinced that the china printing companies has the ability of meeting your needs, you can ask them to proceed with the rest of brochure printing project.
Unlike in the past, it is possible to find high quality services. You simply need to know where to look. In this case, the printer you choose to work with should have a solid reputation. They should be known to adhere to high standards of printing and what is more, they should also have a reputation of using quality materials. You don't want to waste your time with a service provider who cannot meet your needs. For this reason, it is also advisable to ask for references. Talk to people who have used the brochure printing service before you to determine whether they have what it takes to meet your needs.


New Trends in Print Advertising

In this electronic age many advertisers are taking advantage of the internet and mobile messaging services. Any time we access a webpage on the internet, chances are good that there will be an ad on it. Mail services scan their subscribers' emails and send advertisements geared to their interests and even chat rooms have ads present. A person can barely walk by a store without receiving an advertisement on their cell phone. In fact, we are bombarded with electronic advertisements on an almost constant basis unless we turn off our smart phones and computers!

So where does this leave Video booklet advertising? When 89% of businesses use text and multimedia messaging to reach potential customers, you might think that print advertising has little chance of attracting new business or keeping clientele loyal but you would be wrong. Research shows that people are becoming saturated with electronic advertising and more often than not they will ignore it. It is no longer the novelty it used to be.

Because print ads are less prevalent than they used to be, people tend to pay more attention to them. They, rather than electronic ads, are the novelty especially if they have eye-catching graphics and a short and powerful message. This does not mean you can ignore the overwhelming presence of technology, though. Getting people into your business is just the first step in acquiring their loyal patronage. Once they step into your business or store it is a smart idea to be able to allow them to pay via their cell phones linked to their debit and/or credit card. Using the time-honored method of print advertising and combining it with new technology is a smart way to attract new business and earn customer loyalty.

Print ads can reach a more focused group of consumers, especially if you place an ad in an industry specific publication such as a fashion or technical magazine. But what if you are a small business with a limited advertising budget? Creating your own print ads is a smart move, especially since you can distribute them in a targeted area that needs and wants your services or products. You can include a coupon, either one to cut out or to scan on a smart phone, offer discounts, or draw people in with free product samples or premium gifts.

In spite of doing business on the internet for more than a decade (or perhaps because of it), people still trust print media more than the internet. People lend more credibility to print media than other forms of communication. They can see an ad on their cell phone and forget about it in a few seconds but when it comes printed in their physical mailbox they will read it. They may put it aside and it will be around their house for weeks, if not months. Seeing an offer on an attractive mailer will usually bring a person into your store at a higher rate than a banner ad on a site that they may or may not surf to. You can target specific age groups and neighborhoods with Video booklet advertisements; you can publish a small newsletter with relevant articles to attract new clients and duplicate that publication on your blog.


How to Gift Wrap For Special Occasion Using Tissue Paper

Most of the products that we buy and use on daily basis are wrapped. Indeed, wrapping is so important that is has become a source of employment for many people. It all starts with the person who designs the wrapper, the person who designs and selects the appropriate materials, and the person who designs and produces the appropriate shape of the wrapping material, to the person who will plan for disposing of the wrapping material.

While wrapping of products is done for various health and safety purposes, wrapping for gifts is not just about the two reasons. It has more to do with being sensitive to the needs of the occasion and conforming to the traditions. While the wrapping for a gift may provide the benefits of preventing micro-organisms from getting into the product and therefore improving the hygiene and healthy living, it has more significance in social reasons.

Gift wrapping for an occasion has been made easier with the use of tissue paper. This is because most of the wrapping materials can be manipulated to fit the occasion.

Below are some things to consider when planning to gift wrap with tissue paper.

Know the colors of the event: For those who are educated on use of colors, one of the most embarrassing things is to realize that your gift wrapper looks out of place. This may sound strange for anyone with the limited knowledge on colors and significance. I would urge you to read more from the websites on colors and their significance. With knowledge on what each color means, you should be able to decide what gift wrapping tissue paper that you will choose. Take for example, if you are attending a birth day event, you would need to use a gift wrapper tissue paper that is blue or has tinge of blue if it is a baby boy. While is it is a baby girl, a color of pink or shades of it would be best.

Environment friendly: As the world grapples with the challenge of having a Copenhagen agreement that would help in preventing more depletion of the ozone layer, you can participate in a small way by buying tissue paper that is made from recycled paper. Whether gift wrapper is made from a recycled paper or not can be identified from the manufacture information. If you consider that it would take several tree pulps to make a roll of paper, then it pays to be hesitant about buying from paper that is not recycled. This does not mean that the quality of the product would be any less. But if you consider the saving that you make to the environment, and then you know that it is worthwhile to buy a recycled gift wrapper.

Cost: Most important is that you do not want your gift wrapping tissue paper to be more expensive than the gift. After all, it is just a gift wrapper. You would not use it for any other purpose. Its importance may end as soon as the gift has been opened. Therefore consider putting more money into the gift itself rather than the gift wrapping tissue paper. Again, be careful not to overlook the significance of the gift wrapper. Much of acceptance or rejection of a gift begins from the looks of the gift wrapper. Reusable gift wrapper: This is of benefit to the person you are sending the gift and to the environment. It can be in form of a container that can be reused for other purposes such as being a lunch box.china printing


The Importance of Gift Packaging

People love receiving gifts but the most important part of presenting a gift is by packaging it attractively so that it can look good and elicit delightful

comments from the receiver. This is because appearance is valued greatly.

Actually that is what makes the act of giving gifts rewarding and satisfying. What it means is that outward beauty and appearance adds value to things, and

that is why people go to great lengths to package items appropriately and beautifully.china printing

For example, don't present coffee to a person just as it is; take time and prepare a gift box for the coffee. The person receiving it will know that you

regard them highly and your gift to them will have added value in their eyes.

A gift box can be kept by the person receiving it as a memento or for memory sake. The box will carry sweet memories of your kind gesture to the person you

offered it to. These days, there are such beautiful boxes that come in all shapes, colors and designs so you are spoil for choice.

Gift boxes for coffee are custom made according to the different coffee flavors that exists, and they can be engraved with name or initials of the receiver,

to give it a higher personal touch. These can work very well during seasonal celebrations, or for special occasions. Have engraved custom made boxes to

package gifts for weddings, birthdays, valentines, Christmas or house-warming.

Some of these coffee gift boxes have extra space to put other added stuff like cookies, candy bars, or coffee brewing kit to accompany the best flavors of

coffee you have chosen for the recipient of the gift. It is amazing to what extent the major coffee companies will go to make the celebrations a success, they

can even do deliveries and do all it takes to make the gift more appealing and wonderfully packaged.

What is more, these companies are serious; they will make deliveries right up to the doorstep of the recipient. The box is made to enhance the value of the

chosen brand of coffee but irrespective of the type, the best coffee is quality coffee that has a popular brand name from a reputable company.paper packaging suppliers

Quality is the big word here, because you want to give your best to please the person receiving your gift. Coffee aficionados has a great saying, add value to

life by experiencing a great cup of brewed coffee.


Packaging Options for CD and DVD Continue to Grow

Everyone has their own ideas when it comes to how their finished CD or DVD artwork should look for maximum visual impact. Whether it's retail, corporate, promotional or even a giveaway, there are hundreds of CD and DVD packaging options available.

Things have come a long way since the first music CD was launched in the 1980s. The simple song list and lyric covers that were inserted in the original CD jewel case have moved over for the more complex and visually interesting multi-page CD and DVD cover designs of today.

As music has evolved, so has the CD packaging. Similarly, the DVD you recently played at home, has undergone that same evolution. Movie Distribution companies spend huge sums on promotion, marketing and advertising and to make sure their DVD packaging is eye-catching, cutting edge, even "over the top", to grab the buyer's attention. The DVD packaging needs to reflect the style, tone and pace of the movie, so that buyers will be motivated to buy and watch that movie.

The old plastic case has given way to metal," flat panel" and "cut out", 3D or even Holographic designed cases. The newer Blu-Ray discs will certainly set new packaging heights as they become more common and title owners vie for sales. No limits DVD packaging means more sales. New Digital Print technology means that fast, quality, affordable CD & DVD packaging is now within reach. Packaging budgets now go further as costs have come down, and tight deadlines are now achievable.

So, you have a CD or DVD for replication, and are wondering how to package it?
There are lots of generic options available, some so simple that no printed paper parts are required. CD/DVD packaging options include: -
* PVC or paper sleeve: - These are simple and cost effective.
* Cardboard Wallet:- these can be plain, recycled board or overprinted, even to Australia Post specifications for easy mailing.
* Clamshell cases or mailers:- Pliable soft plastic, these are very popular and are a great option when there are no paper parts.
* CD Jewel case:- Single or multi disc versions. These can accommodate a printed booklet and rear inlay.
* CD Caddie case:- a variation of the old jewel case, made from Polypropylene and not prone to breaking easily. These also accept a printed slick.
* DVD case:- Standard 14mm in a variety of colours. Can accept up to 6 discs. These accommodate a printed slick and booklets.
* DVD Slimline:-.7mm slimline version. Similar to 14 mm DVD case above. Slick has a 7mm spine.

For more specialised requirements, their are a range of Custom Printed Cardboard options available and barcodes or consecutive number systems, can also be catered for.
* Overprinted Card Wallets
* Gatefold Cardboard Wallets for single, double, or multi DVD discs.
* Digipacks:- DVD or CD available in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 panels to hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc discs.
* Printed Disc Mailers made to Australia Post standards.

The Internet can be extremely helpful for deciding which packaging china is right for your next CD or DVD duplication job. These days duplication companies have easy to use templates available on their websites, making it simple for you, or your art team, to download and get to work on new and innovative packaging. Several duplication companies offer more than 20 different CD/DVD packaging options to cover most requirements. These are Mac and PC friendly. Web sites offer this type of service free of charge. Jobs are then finished on the latest technology Offset or Digital Printing systems, packed up and ready for distribution in a few days.


The Social Issues Behind Food Packaging

Most of us don't give a whole lot of thought to the plastic food packaging that we use; we generally rip it open, dispose of it then carry on about our
normal business. However, packaging suppliers are well aware of the many social issues that come into play when it comes to packaging china. More information
about this surprisingly intriguing topic is highlighted below.
The Elderly -
As people age, they often encounter difficulty in getting various food packages open. Arthritis is the major culprit behind this phenomenon, as is shaking
and general weakness. Food suppliers want the elderly to be able to open their food with ease, but they can't make packaging too easy to open, either. It's
a definite conundrum, but things have improved a great deal in recent years. Many times, elderly people who consistently struggle with opening their food
packaging are in need of more assistance than they are currently receiving.
Children -
Food is, of course, safe to eat; unlike potentially dangerous items such as medication and cleaning agents, it is generally not an issue if a child opens up
food packaging and eats the content. Still, most parents would prefer it if their very young children are unable to get food unwrapped or otherwise opened,
which is partly why most food packaging is at least a little but tricky to open. Also, strong packaging is necessary for many types of food, in order to
keep it from going bad.
Theft -
Shopkeepers in Australia are all too familiar with the issue of theft. Every time an item of food is pilfered from a store, it is money right out of the
owner's pocket. Thieves often attempt to circumvent store security systems by slipping food out of its packaging; this is why packaging has to be reasonably
hard to open. Most thieves won't dare to struggle with a difficult-to-open package in the store, so many thefts are prevented.
Litter -
One of the most significant social issues surrounding food packaging is litter. It must be noted, however, that packaging suppliers aren't the ones who
strew litter about; consumers are responsible for properly disposing of their used packaging. Between recycling efforts and increasing awareness about
saving the planet, litter due to packaging is likely to decrease as time goes by.
Serving Size -
Finally, large family units are becoming less common in Australia. Single=person households are on the rise in this country, which means that single-serving
foods are becoming more necessary. The food packaging industry is increasingly staying on top of this trend in an effort to reduce food wastage. It is quite
likely that we will see a greater range of single-serving foods on our local grocery store shelves as the time goes on.


Commercial Letterhead Printing For Business

Using professionally designed and printed letterhead can help create a positive and professional image for any business. Even small home-based businesses can project a strong corporate identity by using quality letterhead for their correspondence.

Customized letterhead can be ordered from both local and web-based printers who can use an existing business logo or design that the customer provides in a digital file. Many letterhead printing companies also offer in-house creative services that help customers design logos, choose fonts and develop letterhead that matches their existing business image.

How To Order

When ordering letterhead printing, customers need to decide on the size and color of the image or logo, the type of paper and the quantity and size sheets to be printed. Generally speaking, the cost per sheet decreases as the size of the order increases because a significant part of the price of commercial printing includes design and setup costs. Most printers require a minimum quantity of 100 sheets or more for letterhead printing orders, with some services setting a minimum order at 500 sheets.

Business customers should receive a written quote for the full cost of their order before authorizing the letterhead printing. This quote should include details such as the type of paper and ink to be used, the number of sheets ordered and the projected delivery date. Most printing companies will require customers to check a proof copy of the letterhead before printing the full order. This allows the customer the chance to make any last-minute changes to their letterhead while preventing costly errors such as typos or omissions on the entire order.

One, Two and Full-Color
The most economical letterhead printing option is the use of a single color on a basic paper stock that is suitable for use in both inkjet and laser office printers. This can be a good option for companies that are looking for low-cost letterhead for daily use.

The price of letterhead generally increases with the number of colors used, the quality of the paper and any additional features such as raised ink or the use of gold foil.

Eco-Friendly Options

There are a number of options available for businesses that are looking for eco-friendly letterhead printing. Most commercial printers offer paper stock that contains recycled material such as post-consumer waste, is free of any virgin wood pulp fibers and has been manufactured without the use of chlorine.

Another green option for letterhead printing can be the use of soy inks rather than traditional inks made from a petroleum base. Printing with soy inks is considered to be a eco-friendly choice because these inks off-gas significantly less volatile organic compounds (VOCs) than oil-based inks do while producing a bright, vibrant image on the paper.

Other Considerations

Many commercial printers offer discounts for customers who place an order for letterhead along with other printing in shanghai services such as business card, envelope and brochure printing.
Along with providing a cost savings on printing services, this option helps ensure consistency between all printed materials used within a business.


Printing Photo Books With Online Software

In the old days, before photo books, we used to save our photographs loose in drawers and in old shoeboxes. If we were particularly motivated, we might buy a photo album and mount our favorite pictures between its covers. When we wanted to browse through them or share them with friends, we had only to drag the box or album down off the shelf and pass it around, to start reminiscing about the past.
But times change and technology advances, and now most of our photographs exist only as a collection of ones and zeros on a silicon chip. And though our snapshots take up much less room now, and are in no danger of fading or bending, somehow viewing pictures on a computer screen seems less satisfying than shuffling through a stack of photographs or flipping through an album. Digital pictures cannot be held; they feel transitory or temporary; and they seem less personal and less real.china packaging company
One of the best ways to bring your photographs to life is to have them made into photo books using online software.
You can find many websites that publish photo books at a very reasonable cost. Most offer online editing tools that let you design customized keepsakes you will enjoy for a lifetime. The best ones offer password protection, vast amounts of digital storage, and gift services. Some even help you set up your own bookstore business, buying and selling photo books.
It is always a good idea to maintain a digital backup copy of your treasured photographs. Publishers of photo books make it simple to upload, organize, and store your photo collections online, leaving you secure in the knowledge that even if you lose or damage your personal computer, you will still have access to your photo memories.
Not only are photo books a great way to organize and access your snapshots, but they make fantastic gifts. When birthdays and holidays roll around, you are often far too busy with work and family to spend hours shopping for the right gifts. Now, gift giving is as easy as choosing a couple dozen of your favorite snapshots of the kids, and uploading them to a website publisher of photo albums. Just like that, you have a beloved keepsake treasure for Grandma.
They have many other great uses as well. Think what a great impression a photo book would make as part of a school project. Organize your favorite recipes into a cookbook, complete with photos of the finished meal. Are you a painter, a sculptor, a jewelry maker, or other creative type? Turn photos of your work into a professional portfolio. Do you have a business selling unique products? Use photo books to showcase your wares. The uses for photo albums are almost limitless.
If you are interested in creating photo books out of your digital image library, a good publisher will offer tutorials to get you started, can suggest creative ideas for personalized products, and will provide forums and FAQs to help you when you run into snags.