
Print Media Financial Crisis - What is the Net Affect on the Quality and Integrity of News Reporting

The print media is under serious strain financially, as more and more people are getting their information on the web and in doing so they are

spending more time there. This means advertisers are not getting the same bang for their buck and they too are migrating to the web to advertise.

This is good news for Google's stock, which is well over $600 now, will continue to do well.

The bad news is that newspapers will have to cut costs. This means laying off people, consolidating and for some even bankruptcy. Perhaps you have

already noticed the changes; the news is shallow, uneventful, filler and AP stuff. This is because fewer reporters are available and that means

less first hand knowledge. Many newspapers are re-shanghai printing company articles from the web, giving us second or third hand news or regurgitating old stuff.

They say you can only believe half of what you read in the newspapers, now one has to wonder if the integrity will drop below 40% along with the

obvious continual deterioration of the quality of news. How bad is the net hammering on the newspaper and print media. We see many trade journals

have quit business along with many popular magazines. Even TV advertising has dropped although political election seasons do tend to give them a

little breathing room.

For the first time our citizens are spending more time on the Internet than on TV and it is obvious that they rely on the net to get their

information and this is having a huge affect on the print media. "More major newspapers are under the gun, and on the brink of financial ruin"

stated one Online Think Tank. Sincerely, Lance.

