
It's Easy Being Green - Packaging Your "Green" Brand

Last week, I wrote about packaging and the environment. Since then I have been flooded with a host of interesting new packaging and product introductions. Surprisingly much of the packaging innovation is coming from outside the U.S. than from our own national companies.

It seems that there is much more going on in environment legislation about packaging in other countries. In fact, at the World Packaging Organization meeting in Beijing last week it was announced that China is working to develop "green packaging" as part of its efforts to build an environment-friendly society. I also have had the opportunity to read some very interesting facts including this tidbit: the world consumes 25 billion pizza boxes annually. So, if your pizza box is "green" you can save the world.

Seriously, it's great to make an announcement and to get the word out about all new packaging innovations, but the real test is integrating your "green" packaging products into your brand.

People are jumping on the environmental band wagon because it's a hot topic right now. The recent Earth Day activities made people think about things that have to do with the environment. Global warming issues are on the news daily and people are looking for scapegoats as the cause.  china packaging company  is often chastised for having unfriendly environmental policies. I'm not here to debate this point, but to talk about using environmental issues in a positive manner.

Let's take the word "green" as an example. Obviously, we think of the color first.
But what about the variations of the definition that relate to packaging? How green is your packaging world?

