
Packaging Options for CD and DVD Continue to Grow

Everyone has their own ideas when it comes to how their finished CD or DVD artwork should look for maximum visual impact. Whether it's retail, corporate, promotional or even a giveaway, there are hundreds of CD and DVD packaging options available.

Things have come a long way since the first music CD was launched in the 1980s. The simple song list and lyric covers that were inserted in the original CD jewel case have moved over for the more complex and visually interesting multi-page CD and DVD cover designs of today.

As music has evolved, so has the CD packaging. Similarly, the DVD you recently played at home, has undergone that same evolution. Movie Distribution companies spend huge sums on promotion, marketing and advertising and to make sure their DVD packaging is eye-catching, cutting edge, even "over the top", to grab the buyer's attention. The DVD packaging needs to reflect the style, tone and pace of the movie, so that buyers will be motivated to buy and watch that movie.

The old plastic case has given way to metal," flat panel" and "cut out", 3D or even Holographic designed cases. The newer Blu-Ray discs will certainly set new packaging heights as they become more common and title owners vie for sales. No limits DVD packaging means more sales. New Digital Print technology means that fast, quality, affordable CD & DVD packaging is now within reach. Packaging budgets now go further as costs have come down, and tight deadlines are now achievable.

So, you have a CD or DVD for replication, and are wondering how to package it?
There are lots of generic options available, some so simple that no printed paper parts are required. CD/DVD packaging options include: -
* PVC or paper sleeve: - These are simple and cost effective.
* Cardboard Wallet:- these can be plain, recycled board or overprinted, even to Australia Post specifications for easy mailing.
* Clamshell cases or mailers:- Pliable soft plastic, these are very popular and are a great option when there are no paper parts.
* CD Jewel case:- Single or multi disc versions. These can accommodate a printed booklet and rear inlay.
* CD Caddie case:- a variation of the old jewel case, made from Polypropylene and not prone to breaking easily. These also accept a printed slick.
* DVD case:- Standard 14mm in a variety of colours. Can accept up to 6 discs. These accommodate a printed slick and booklets.
* DVD Slimline:-.7mm slimline version. Similar to 14 mm DVD case above. Slick has a 7mm spine.

For more specialised requirements, their are a range of Custom Printed Cardboard options available and barcodes or consecutive number systems, can also be catered for.
* Overprinted Card Wallets
* Gatefold Cardboard Wallets for single, double, or multi DVD discs.
* Digipacks:- DVD or CD available in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 panels to hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc discs.
* Printed Disc Mailers made to Australia Post standards.

The Internet can be extremely helpful for deciding which packaging china is right for your next CD or DVD duplication job. These days duplication companies have easy to use templates available on their websites, making it simple for you, or your art team, to download and get to work on new and innovative packaging. Several duplication companies offer more than 20 different CD/DVD packaging options to cover most requirements. These are Mac and PC friendly. Web sites offer this type of service free of charge. Jobs are then finished on the latest technology Offset or Digital Printing systems, packed up and ready for distribution in a few days.


The Social Issues Behind Food Packaging

Most of us don't give a whole lot of thought to the plastic food packaging that we use; we generally rip it open, dispose of it then carry on about our
normal business. However, packaging suppliers are well aware of the many social issues that come into play when it comes to packaging china. More information
about this surprisingly intriguing topic is highlighted below.
The Elderly -
As people age, they often encounter difficulty in getting various food packages open. Arthritis is the major culprit behind this phenomenon, as is shaking
and general weakness. Food suppliers want the elderly to be able to open their food with ease, but they can't make packaging too easy to open, either. It's
a definite conundrum, but things have improved a great deal in recent years. Many times, elderly people who consistently struggle with opening their food
packaging are in need of more assistance than they are currently receiving.
Children -
Food is, of course, safe to eat; unlike potentially dangerous items such as medication and cleaning agents, it is generally not an issue if a child opens up
food packaging and eats the content. Still, most parents would prefer it if their very young children are unable to get food unwrapped or otherwise opened,
which is partly why most food packaging is at least a little but tricky to open. Also, strong packaging is necessary for many types of food, in order to
keep it from going bad.
Theft -
Shopkeepers in Australia are all too familiar with the issue of theft. Every time an item of food is pilfered from a store, it is money right out of the
owner's pocket. Thieves often attempt to circumvent store security systems by slipping food out of its packaging; this is why packaging has to be reasonably
hard to open. Most thieves won't dare to struggle with a difficult-to-open package in the store, so many thefts are prevented.
Litter -
One of the most significant social issues surrounding food packaging is litter. It must be noted, however, that packaging suppliers aren't the ones who
strew litter about; consumers are responsible for properly disposing of their used packaging. Between recycling efforts and increasing awareness about
saving the planet, litter due to packaging is likely to decrease as time goes by.
Serving Size -
Finally, large family units are becoming less common in Australia. Single=person households are on the rise in this country, which means that single-serving
foods are becoming more necessary. The food packaging industry is increasingly staying on top of this trend in an effort to reduce food wastage. It is quite
likely that we will see a greater range of single-serving foods on our local grocery store shelves as the time goes on.


Commercial Letterhead Printing For Business

Using professionally designed and printed letterhead can help create a positive and professional image for any business. Even small home-based businesses can project a strong corporate identity by using quality letterhead for their correspondence.

Customized letterhead can be ordered from both local and web-based printers who can use an existing business logo or design that the customer provides in a digital file. Many letterhead printing companies also offer in-house creative services that help customers design logos, choose fonts and develop letterhead that matches their existing business image.

How To Order

When ordering letterhead printing, customers need to decide on the size and color of the image or logo, the type of paper and the quantity and size sheets to be printed. Generally speaking, the cost per sheet decreases as the size of the order increases because a significant part of the price of commercial printing includes design and setup costs. Most printers require a minimum quantity of 100 sheets or more for letterhead printing orders, with some services setting a minimum order at 500 sheets.

Business customers should receive a written quote for the full cost of their order before authorizing the letterhead printing. This quote should include details such as the type of paper and ink to be used, the number of sheets ordered and the projected delivery date. Most printing companies will require customers to check a proof copy of the letterhead before printing the full order. This allows the customer the chance to make any last-minute changes to their letterhead while preventing costly errors such as typos or omissions on the entire order.

One, Two and Full-Color
The most economical letterhead printing option is the use of a single color on a basic paper stock that is suitable for use in both inkjet and laser office printers. This can be a good option for companies that are looking for low-cost letterhead for daily use.

The price of letterhead generally increases with the number of colors used, the quality of the paper and any additional features such as raised ink or the use of gold foil.

Eco-Friendly Options

There are a number of options available for businesses that are looking for eco-friendly letterhead printing. Most commercial printers offer paper stock that contains recycled material such as post-consumer waste, is free of any virgin wood pulp fibers and has been manufactured without the use of chlorine.

Another green option for letterhead printing can be the use of soy inks rather than traditional inks made from a petroleum base. Printing with soy inks is considered to be a eco-friendly choice because these inks off-gas significantly less volatile organic compounds (VOCs) than oil-based inks do while producing a bright, vibrant image on the paper.

Other Considerations

Many commercial printers offer discounts for customers who place an order for letterhead along with other printing in shanghai services such as business card, envelope and brochure printing.
Along with providing a cost savings on printing services, this option helps ensure consistency between all printed materials used within a business.


Printing Photo Books With Online Software

In the old days, before photo books, we used to save our photographs loose in drawers and in old shoeboxes. If we were particularly motivated, we might buy a photo album and mount our favorite pictures between its covers. When we wanted to browse through them or share them with friends, we had only to drag the box or album down off the shelf and pass it around, to start reminiscing about the past.
But times change and technology advances, and now most of our photographs exist only as a collection of ones and zeros on a silicon chip. And though our snapshots take up much less room now, and are in no danger of fading or bending, somehow viewing pictures on a computer screen seems less satisfying than shuffling through a stack of photographs or flipping through an album. Digital pictures cannot be held; they feel transitory or temporary; and they seem less personal and less real.china packaging company
One of the best ways to bring your photographs to life is to have them made into photo books using online software.
You can find many websites that publish photo books at a very reasonable cost. Most offer online editing tools that let you design customized keepsakes you will enjoy for a lifetime. The best ones offer password protection, vast amounts of digital storage, and gift services. Some even help you set up your own bookstore business, buying and selling photo books.
It is always a good idea to maintain a digital backup copy of your treasured photographs. Publishers of photo books make it simple to upload, organize, and store your photo collections online, leaving you secure in the knowledge that even if you lose or damage your personal computer, you will still have access to your photo memories.
Not only are photo books a great way to organize and access your snapshots, but they make fantastic gifts. When birthdays and holidays roll around, you are often far too busy with work and family to spend hours shopping for the right gifts. Now, gift giving is as easy as choosing a couple dozen of your favorite snapshots of the kids, and uploading them to a website publisher of photo albums. Just like that, you have a beloved keepsake treasure for Grandma.
They have many other great uses as well. Think what a great impression a photo book would make as part of a school project. Organize your favorite recipes into a cookbook, complete with photos of the finished meal. Are you a painter, a sculptor, a jewelry maker, or other creative type? Turn photos of your work into a professional portfolio. Do you have a business selling unique products? Use photo books to showcase your wares. The uses for photo albums are almost limitless.
If you are interested in creating photo books out of your digital image library, a good publisher will offer tutorials to get you started, can suggest creative ideas for personalized products, and will provide forums and FAQs to help you when you run into snags.


Printing Company

Printing is an industrial method used for reproducing copies of texts and images, usually with ink on paper using a printing press. It is a very important part of publishing. Printing with a printing press dates back to the 15th century in Europe, although the method was developed and used earlier in China.

Today an ordinary laser printer or computer printer can print a document easily. In recent years, computer printing and industrial printing processes have come together, leading to the progress of digital printing.

china printing companies technology in the printing industry has bought about a large number of printing companies offering various products. The innovations in the printing industry cover almost all types of print-related functions. Pioneering modern technology arises from the traditional and established commercial printing practice delivering improved print products and company services to people. Digital printing services, to a great extent, offer unique print qualities desired by the numerous clients of a printing company. Successful management of every printing job is provided by the key strategies of a printing company that is visible in every product they produce.

Printing companies offer various products that can be sorted in different categories such as advertising specialties: brochures, business cards, posters, postcards, flyers, booklets, manuals, catalogs, signage, bumper stickers, letterheads, envelopes, decals, banners, billboards, pamphlets, directories, calendars and many more. Different companies use different printing methodologies along with the required printing format appropriate for the printing projects of every client. Printing specifications are extensively reviewed to match the appropriate printing methodology, which is then carried out with remarkable print products.

Printing companies use high performance printing equipment that delivers a very high performance percentage of every print product produced. Editing tools, scanners and printers are extensively used in handling the print specifications. Cost-effective printing solutions along with professional graphic designing can deliver enhanced designs for all printing needs.


It's Easy Being Green - Packaging Your "Green" Brand

Last week, I wrote about packaging and the environment. Since then I have been flooded with a host of interesting new packaging and product introductions. Surprisingly much of the packaging innovation is coming from outside the U.S. than from our own national companies.

It seems that there is much more going on in environment legislation about packaging in other countries. In fact, at the World Packaging Organization meeting in Beijing last week it was announced that China is working to develop "green packaging" as part of its efforts to build an environment-friendly society. I also have had the opportunity to read some very interesting facts including this tidbit: the world consumes 25 billion pizza boxes annually. So, if your pizza box is "green" you can save the world.

Seriously, it's great to make an announcement and to get the word out about all new packaging innovations, but the real test is integrating your "green" packaging products into your brand.

People are jumping on the environmental band wagon because it's a hot topic right now. The recent Earth Day activities made people think about things that have to do with the environment. Global warming issues are on the news daily and people are looking for scapegoats as the cause.  china packaging company  is often chastised for having unfriendly environmental policies. I'm not here to debate this point, but to talk about using environmental issues in a positive manner.

Let's take the word "green" as an example. Obviously, we think of the color first.
But what about the variations of the definition that relate to packaging? How green is your packaging world?


Print Media Financial Crisis - What is the Net Affect on the Quality and Integrity of News Reporting

The print media is under serious strain financially, as more and more people are getting their information on the web and in doing so they are

spending more time there. This means advertisers are not getting the same bang for their buck and they too are migrating to the web to advertise.

This is good news for Google's stock, which is well over $600 now, will continue to do well.

The bad news is that newspapers will have to cut costs. This means laying off people, consolidating and for some even bankruptcy. Perhaps you have

already noticed the changes; the news is shallow, uneventful, filler and AP stuff. This is because fewer reporters are available and that means

less first hand knowledge. Many newspapers are re-shanghai printing company articles from the web, giving us second or third hand news or regurgitating old stuff.

They say you can only believe half of what you read in the newspapers, now one has to wonder if the integrity will drop below 40% along with the

obvious continual deterioration of the quality of news. How bad is the net hammering on the newspaper and print media. We see many trade journals

have quit business along with many popular magazines. Even TV advertising has dropped although political election seasons do tend to give them a

little breathing room.

For the first time our citizens are spending more time on the Internet than on TV and it is obvious that they rely on the net to get their

information and this is having a huge affect on the print media. "More major newspapers are under the gun, and on the brink of financial ruin"

stated one Online Think Tank. Sincerely, Lance.


A factory unlicensed printing is put on record survey

"The industry is a special industry, must obtain culture, public security departments to issue" printing business license ", the "special trade license". Otherwise it is illegal. On February 6, there to industrial and commercial bureau within the jurisdiction of a suspected unlicensed  china printing  factory to initiate an investigation.
Recently, the trade and industry bureau of industry and commerce there tianmen town law enforcement personnel in the market inspection, it was found that a factory production of the cartons printing "energetic @" logo, etc. The printing shop boss admitted that, the content of the label is not normal printing business unit production, but the factory production of do STH without authorization. The factory has not obtained the printing business permit.
Researchers think that commerce, according to the print management byelaw "regulation, apply for the business activities of printing units and individuals, the first cultural management departments and approved the application, and obtain the" printing business permit; To hold a public security department puts forward application, has approved the "special trade license" The above two certificate to the administrative department for industry and commerce apply for a business license. The business license of the factory and commerce approved business scope does not include "printing" this one, and the factory without the printing business permit, therefore, the factory is engaged in the printing activities belong to illegal. At present the case is under further investigation of processing.


Stora enso newsprint capacity will be proposed to cut 475000 tons

Beijing time on February 5 evening news, Finland paper giant Stora Enso Stora Enso Oyj will be announced on Tuesday that permanent close to the two units in Swedish news paper machine, thus will the European newsprint production cut 475000 tons, or 3.4%.
The company also released its 2012 earnings in the fourth quarter, the revenue increased slightly, but warned that the weak paper and lumber market will be in the first quarter of this year to profit form pressure.
Stora enso said, will be in the second quarter of this year permanent closed Sweden Hylte mill's 2 paper machine, and Kvarnsveden mill's PM11 number paper machine, thus will newsprint annual production capacity of 475000 tons of cut, equivalent to 3.4% of the European newsprint capacity.
The company the first four seasons last year from the same period last year net profit of $98.7 million of 262 million euros and operating profits from the same period last year to 170 million euros 251 million euros, below market expectations. Revenue from the same period last year to 2.68 billion euros 2.73 billion euros, slightly better than market expectations. 


Papermaking Print: Rebound in the fourth quarter, prices of raw materials may become a real signal of improved demand

china printing
The paper industry is in a new capacity to focus on the release of backward production capacity out gradually extended phase downturn in the long-term demand is still the main crux of the industry by 2012 three quarters of light manufacturing SYWG a listed company achieved a total operating income of 152.208 billion yuan, an increase of 11.15%; net profit of 5.439 billion yuan, down 32.86%. Upstream raw wood pulp, waste paper price decline of nearly 30% over the same period. Since the fourth quarter of pulp prices have rebounded, but the wood pulp demand the substantive recovery still depends on downstream demand to improve. The next two years for the pulp and paper production capacity of life can be focused on the release period, will exacerbate the industry, the imbalance between supply and demand, the profitability of the industry is difficult to short-term low ebb, to maintain paper industry "neutral" rating. Industry downturn in the overall boom in this difficult situation, we think that the cost reduction logic can not support corporate fundamentals improve. Stable market demand for downstream products, price more rigid specialty paper manufacturer or a more competitive advantage in cost reduction, downstream demand is relatively stable market segments. Recommended Guanhao high 600,433.
Improving demand in the fourth quarter, raw material prices ushered in for the first time to rebound or will become true signal although three quarters of papermaking raw material prices dropped as much as 30%, but the weaker demand, both ends of the industrial chain price environment, the the downstream paper products price sensitivity more high raw material prices weak real true reflection of poor demand. Papermaking raw material prices since the third quarter but did not usher in the profitable growth of the industry, while shipments improved since October coming season triggered and prices are expected to cause the pulp and waste paper prices rebounded in the fourth quarter since, due to the inventory cycle and other reasons the short term will not bring too much direct pressure to paper enterprises, or downstream demand improved paper prices ushered in turn will become the most real signal.
Downstream of the packaging and
china printing industry, consumer attributes and packaging printing class enterprise showed a stable development trend, additional service attributes, consumer attributes and uncertainty growing packaging companies are the preferred species. The expansion of the scale of the downstream customers, are contributing to the packaging industry market concentration rising, leading the company grew rapidly. Relatively papermaking sub-industry, packaging and printing experienced a significant decline in performance since 2012, but there are still some performance and stability, or the existence of an event trigger enterprise. We recommend Yongxin Shares 002014, ORG 002,701 the Hongbo shares 002,229.
The traditional peak season to promote the demand has picked up holidays and other factors to stimulate consumer demand short-term in civic light industrial sub-sectors, the fourth quarter as the Christmas shopping season approaching, the civic light industry exports data re good sign, means that the recovery of foreign demand; Canada on the baby boom in the Year of the Dragon will bring the domestic baby supplies increased consumption the Civic Light Industry operators in the second half will be better in the first half of the year, you may be concerned about the industry expect.
Concerned about the appreciation of the renminbi impact related to plate when the renminbi is strong and direct benefit to the imports of raw materials enterprises and assets denominated in foreign currencies industry. Of waste paper utilization rate is not high, so that the paper industry imports huge amount of pulp, the pulp of the paper industry's raw materials 70% dependent on imports and the high dependence on foreign, so the appreciation of the renminbi, the paper industry is the first to benefit and the benefit will in to some extent slowed the papermaking enterprise performance pressure. Specific imports decline in the cost of raw materials and exports suffered from exchange rate losses to reduce the impact of two aspects of the paper industry.